perceptive purpose

Being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.

That's George Bernard Shaw's thoughts on how to live. Before you try to work out which type you are, just know it boils down to this: Glass half empty or glass half full. There is no wrong or right in how we view anything. Perception is our interpretation. And interpretation is cemented by gaining validation from those around us.

Ever noticed when something or someone we once felt frustrated by, is no longer a bother? A person whom we’ve once loved or hated, becomes indifferent?  Voila, that’s a change in our mindset i.e. perception. Let’s take stress for example: stress is a perceived state.  Simply put, it’s what our minds (and therefore our bodies) define as a stressor. A marathon runner will not perceive a 10km run as stressful, whereas I sure as hell do! Our friends may coo at our crying baby but with no sleep and not enough hours in the day to manage it all, we might perceive the crying as rather grating.

‘Creative gratitude’ is the art of gratefulness when the appreciation is not so clear and the happiness not so obvious. The Buddhists have a wonderful proverb which sums up the idea of creative gratitude perfectly: “The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud”. Being creatively grateful is acknowledging the challenges, the obstacles we’ve encountered, the things we didn’t succeed in, the suffering we’ve endured. It is changing one’s perception to appreciation for the nasty encounters in the schoolyard, the handicappers in the office or the cowardly bullies who won’t relent. At times, in order to practice creative gratitude, we need to lighten up and not take ourselves so seriously. Only then will we be able to see the silver lining. For example, losing out on the dream job but welcoming instead, the time available to spend with those who matter. Or, not having offspring in this life and valuing instead, the freedom to be without dependents.

Living purposefully has a huge impact on our perception. You might side with Fatboy Slim and his philosophy of eat. sleep. rave. repeat (even if you skip the rave part, and add in work or play), but I reckon if you’re reading this, you know there’s more to life. Why are we here? What drives us to behave the way we do? Our inner most desires?

Our purpose (or why) goes beyond our daily routine, our have-tos, and to-do lists.  It shapes everything from relationship and career choice, to where we live and how we choose to spend our spare time. It is the very reason for which we exist, and the forces that drive us beyond our personality. In fact, knowing our purpose is essential for contentment because if we don’t have an endgame, we can feel like a hamster running on a wheel, relentlessly keeping up with life’s demands. Boredom and apathy can set in, which can make way for more serious mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Knowing and understanding our purpose provides a deeper connection and quenches our innate thirst for meaning.

Aligning ourselves with the intelligence of the universe means coming to understand our life’s purpose and living our lives in such a way that we are manifesting this purpose through all aspects of our lives. Our long-term happiness depends on our ability to fulfil our purpose.


So, how do we find our purpose?

  1. Naturopaths believe cleaning out the body is essential to a healthy body, mind and spirit. How can you delve deep and ask yourself purposeful questions when you’re addicted to stimulants or prescription medications, for example? I penned in Aussie Body Diet: “many religions feature a period of purification in their calendars: Judaism has Yom Kippur; Islam has Ramadan; Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights, inspiring Lent.” In 21st century speak, I believe we cleanse the body for clarity of mind. Clear out the garbage and we’ll instantly pave a way towards our intuitive self. Try Parasite Cleanse and Lighten Me as naturopathic support for the next cleanse.
  2. Find things that you yourself are passionate about. Not what your best friend or lover is into, but something which ignites a fire within you. It might mean being an environmentalist or an animal activist. It might be inventing something or a creative pursuit. It might simply be some type of fitness activity, cooking, learning a new language or cultural expeditions. But it is almost always to do with something that we love or invokes warmth inside us. Even better if it makes us feel part of something higher and makes us feel loved.
  3. You can’t think your way into finding your purpose; you have to take note from Nike and Just Do It. So instead of falling into the inertia trap of procrastination, overthinking or second guessing yourself – Am I good enough? Will this work? Should I give that up? What if I don’t like it? What if I don’t make money at it? What if I fail?  Instead, accept that with change comes resistance. Begin with small steps toward your goals, try new approaches and ask for assistance wherever you need. The more consistent our actions, the more we get clear on things, as well as overcoming ‘monkey mind’. It is through persistent action and at times breaking down before breaking through, where you’ll find your purpose.
  4. Reading Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield at 21 was a game changer for me, so much so that I purchase multiple copies at a time and gift them to friends to help through difficult times. One of the most poignant things I’ve read is from this book: “We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the others--an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world.” So, surround yourself with people who lift you higher and not those who want to take from you.
  5. Every cell in our body is changing every second, so why should we hold onto ways to think and act from the past which no longer serves us? Let it go (thanks, Elsa!). Release any tension or build-up of mental, emotional and spiritual energies in your space with regenerative soul kit. Renew with youthing online course.

When we fully commit to living a purposeful life which is in harmony with the bigger universal picture, it’s almost as if the dirt slips away and we can see all the hidden gems. Everything just flows. 

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